European Space Agency membership opens up new possibilities for Estonia
After being an apprentice at the European Space Agency (ESA) for five years, Estonia became the 21st full member of the organization in the beginning of February. This enables Estonian researchers and enterprises to take part of international space projects and partnerships. Above all, Estonia has to offer specific know-how on remote sensing.
ETV's weekly nature and science program "Osoon" went to the European Space Research and Technology Center in Noordwijk, Netherlands, to find out what the ESA membership entails, and what are the newest developments in the fascinating field of space science.
The feature video by "Osoon" includes unique footage of the BepiColombo spaceship that is due to start its journey to Mercury in 2016, and introduces newest remote control systems and the Copernicus satellites project.
You can read more about Estonia and ESA here.
Editor: M. Oll