Theater visits down 40 percent in Estonia for 2020
In 2020, theater performances in Estonia got a total of 727,316 visits, which is more than 40 percent less than the year prior. The coronavirus-struck year also saw 32 percent less shows than in 2019.
Due to coronavirus restrictions, there were 256 days in 2020, when performances could be held, but there were regional differences during these days. Over the year, Estonian performances collected 727,316 total visits, a total of 4,785 performances were put on and there were 539 different productions, 166 of which premiered last year.
In 2019, the number of performances was 7,047 and a total of 1,273,303 visits were made to see these performances. A yearly comparison shows that there were 25 percent less premiers in 2020 than the year prior, theaters put on 32 percent less performances and visits were down 42.9 percent year-on-year.
Theater enthusiasts were able to choose from an average of 18.7 performances a day in 2020, performances averaged 152 guests and theater performances put on in Estonia had a daily average of 2,842 guests in the calendar year.
Estonia Theater was the most popular theater at 81,675 visits, Vanemuine followed with 80,006 visits and the Estonian Drama Theater was third at 63,771 visits. Stand-up theater Point was the most popular special production theater with 22,317 visits last year, Thors Producion collected 20,000 visits, VAT Theater got 16,548 visits and Vana Baskin Theater had close to 15,000 visits in 2020.
Eight theaters streamed or broadcast their performances, which had a total of 45,310 views - Piip ja Tuut Theater had 18,990, Kanuti Gildi SAAL had 16,175, Kinoteater had 5,754, eˉlektron had 4,082 and Linnateater had 1,783 views.
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Editor: Kristjan Kallaste