Opposition parties: Riigikogu adopts too many bills

Opposition parties think the Riigikogu has adopted too many bills this year. The coalition says most are connected to the budget and security policy.
Riigikogu Speaker Lauri Hussar (Eesti 200) said, following the end of obstruction by EKRE, Isamaa and Center which blocked the parliament's work, debates in the Riigikogu have become more substantive.
He said fewer bills will be processed during the spring session than in the autumn session, which focused on the state budget and related tax issues.
"I think that during the spring session, we will not see such in-depth debates about the state budget because the relevant laws have already been passed. But this allows us to focus on other important bills, many of which are now entering the legislative process," the MP said.

During the autumn session, the Riigikogu approved 66 bills, and since March 2023, it has passed a total of 200 legislative acts.
Lea Danilson-Järg, a member of the Isamaa faction and a former justice minister, said the number of bills passed is excessive.
"Such mass amendments are not in line with good legislative practices. They undoubtedly undermine people's sense of security and legitimate expectations because so many changes in such a short time are hard for people to process, and the same applies to businesses," she told "Aktuaalne kaamera."
Thorough impact analyses and inclusive consultation are often lacking, the MP said.

Andre Hanimägi (SDE), chairman of the Legal Affairs Committee, acknowledged that many bills were adopted during the obstruction and many of them without sufficient analysis.
"We must admit that some bills were pushed through without adequate impact assessments, and there is definitely a need to improve inclusion. There are quite a few things in the legislative process that need to be improved," he said.
Minister of Justice and Digital Affairs Liisa Pakosta (Eesti 200) believes the Riigikogu should focus on better inclusiveness next year.
"There is a lot of justified criticism about how little time is given for public feedback. This is one area that must improve next year, so people have a bit more time to read and understand the changes. Those who are directly impacted and will have to implement the changes provide the best feedback," she told the show.

Estonia currently has 389 active laws. Of these, 377 were passed by the Riigikogu, while 12 date back to the Supreme Council (1990-1992).
There are 587 ratification laws related to European Union legislation and international treaties.
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Editor: Aleksander Krjukov, Helen Wright