Minister: New candidates found for top EISA position
Candidates have been found for the head of the multi-agency Enterprise and Innovation Foundation (EISA) which has been without a leader since March, Minister of Economic Affairs Tiit Riisalo (Eesti 200) said on Monday. The final decision will be made by the board, not the minister.
The agency is the result of the merger between Enterprise Estonia and Kredex but previous application rounds failed to find a suitable candidate, news show "Aktuaalne kaamera" reported last week.
Riisalo told ERR the merger had not been smooth but we now must look ahead to the future. He said the board makes the final choice, not the minister.
"But of course, we will keep an eye on the process because it is important. MKM [Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications] has its representatives on the Council and they are our eyes, ears and voice, which in this case is Vice-Chancellor Sille Kraam," he said.
The minister said the agency is too important to reduce applicant requirements.
"But I also know that there are good candidates in orbit," Riisalo said. He added that these serious candidates who had not applied before. They will soon meet with the consulting company helping with the hiring process and the agency's board.
One candidate is thought to be Kristi Tiivas, former EISA board chairman, who stepped down from the role last week, several sources told AK. This move allows her to run for the position. But Tiivas said she had not decided.
Asked about the situation, Riisalo said Estonia is a free country and people can make their own decisions.
"If the competition is still open, then she can apply, but it certainly is not [the case] that it was set up this way from the start. All decisions concerning the selection of the board are discussed by consensus in the board. There are so many members, it is not as if it is made up of one or two members," he said.
The minister said it is likely a common understanding of who would and would not be suitable for the role.
During the candidate search, which launched in May, the hiring company rejected almost 200 CVs.
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Editor: Karin Koppel, Helen Wright