Vaccination organization to change from central to local

Current COVID-19 vaccination workgroup chief Marek Seer will not be replaced after his term ends at the end of August. Instead, the social ministry is looking to hire vaccination coordinators in each of Estonia's 15 counties.
Minister of Health and Labor Tanel Kiik (Center) told ERR that with Marek Seer's employment contract as vaccination chief ending on August 31, the Ministry of Social Affairs has not looked for a new "vaccination czar".
After lengthy discussions within the ministry, a decision has been made to simplify the structure and localize the organization of work. Currently, the coronavirus crisis is being managed by the social ministry, the Health Board and different units working with the government.
"The goal is for it to be simple and understandable with clear responsibilities. We have employed more than 10 county vaccination coordinators," Kiik said. "The search for a suitable person is still ongoing in some counties, most already have people working the position."
Local coordinators will manage cooperation between local municipality governments, local healthcare institutions and employers so that vaccination options can be available in municipalities and cities.
The minister added that the focus for the next few months is re-vaccinating the elderly, people with weak immune systems and people working in the healthcare and social sectors. That is to go with ensuring that vaccinations are available for all who have not gotten inoculated so far.
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Editor: Kristjan Kallaste