73 women, 46 men on SDE Tallinn local elections list
Party leader Indrek Saar, one of the party's two MEP's Sven Mikser and MP Riina Sikkut are among the Social Democratic Party's (SDE) lead candidates in this October's local elections.
The party announced all its district lists simultaneously at an event at the Tallinn Secondary School of Science (Tallinna reaalkool) Saturday, and in total is putting up 119 candidates – 73 women and 46 men.
The leading candidates by Tallinn district are as follows:
Haabersti: Jevegeni Ossinovski (MP and former leader), Annela Ojaste (sitting city councilor), Jane Kaljulaid (entrepreneur).
City Center (Kesklinn): Riina Sikkut (MP), Karl-Martin Sinijärv (poet and author),Margit Hiiet (Kindergarten director).
Kristiine: Kadri Kõusaar (filmmaker and writer), Silver Meikar (EU parliamentary adviser), Maris Sild (sitting district council chair).
Lasnamäe: Andrus Vaarik (actor), Anne Vetik (journalist), Kirill Klaus (chair of SDE's Russian-speaking association).
Mustamäe: Sven Mikser (MEP), Merli Reidolf (Tallinn Univeristy of Technology business faculty director), Anto Liivat (sitting councilor and chair of SDE council chambers group).
Nõmme: Party SDE chair Indrek Saar, Külli Urb (Tallinn disabled people's chamber services coordinator) and Olev Remsu (writer).
Pirita: Barbi-Jenny Pilvre-Storgard (former MP), Jelena Petriläinen (special needs educator) and Kirke Karja (head of the Estonian jazz association).
North Tallinn (Põhja Tallinn): Raimond Kaljulaid (MP), Natalie Mets (cultural organizer), Jaak Juske (MP and local history expert).
Tallinn city limits contain eight municipal districts, where all permanent residents of those districts – including foreign nationals who have permanent residency – are eligible to vote.
Estonia's modified d'Hondt system of proportional representation requires parties to run ordered lists of candidates, which means in practice well-known "vote magnet" candidates are placed high up on the list, even if they cannot take up, or have no intention of taking up, the seat. Any excess votes beyond the threshold needed to win a seat are, under the rules, distributed to candidates lower down on the list, which often means candidates who polled only a few hundred votes in their own right can win a seat.
Riigikogu MPs may sit on a local authority as well, which over half of them do.
If Sven Mikser wins a seat, as an MEP he may not take it up, under the current rules, and must relinquish it to the next candidate on the list in his district, who has not already won a seat.
SDE's other MEP is Marina Kaljurand.
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Editor: Andrew Whyte