Coronavirus scientific council meets for first time after summer break

The government's coronavirus scientific council (Teadusnõukoda) convenes Friday for the first time after its summer break.
Professor Irja Lutsar, who heads up the council, told ERR the initially face-to-face meeting will hammer out some first principles about how to continue with dealing with the pandemic in Estonia.
"We set the general principles of what we want to achieve and what steps need to be taken to achieve it," Lutsar told ERR Friday.
"We're formulating some basic positions for either the weekend or Monday, on how to move forward."
These will include the very frequency of such future meetings, she said.
Major summer developments which Professor Lutsar and her team will face are likely to be an outbreak in Tartu starting in the second half of July and centered on several nightspots in the city, the status of two major rallies scheduled for late August/early September and partly held in Tartu County, and ongoing discussions with the state Health Board (Terviseamet) on the effectiveness and necessity of wearing face masks in public places.
Professor Lutsar is a virologist at the University of Tartu.
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Editor: Andrew Whyte