Eesti Gaas starts selling green electricity produced by solar energy

The Estonian electricity and gas seller Eesti Gaas on Friday starts providing green electricity produced from solar energy and stops selling electricity generated from the burning of wood chips.
Eesti Gaas board member Margus Kaasik said that from now on, the company only offers renewable electricity produced from solar power.
"To this day, electricity sellers also present electricity generated from the burning of wood, in addition to wind, solar and hydro energy, as renewable energy," Kaasik said.
The Eesti Gaas board member said that as a result, consumers cannot make thoroughly sustainable choices, as they cannot actually choose the share and type of renewable energy in the electricity they are buying.
Eesti Gaas stops buying renewable energy certificates based on wood chips and guarantees its customers electricity that has 100 percent been produced from solar power. The company also produces its own solar energy, which helps keep the price of electricity down, according to Kaasik.
"We have greatly developed our production and supply of green energy by building solar parks and offering businesses and public buildings the option of building individual solar power stations. That way, we can use our own production to cover the amount of electricity needed," he said.
Eesti Gaas has been providing is customers with electricity generated from renewable sources -- solar, wind and biomass energy -- from 2013. When picking the renewable electricity package, customers can now choose electricity produced solely from solar power.
Eesti Gaas is a supplier of natural gas via pipeline, as compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG). In addition, the company develops its renewable energy portfolio in the form of production and sale of solar energy and green gas. The company employs a workforce of 240. In its foreign markets Finland, Latvia and Lithuania Eesti Gaas uses the Elenger trademark.
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Editor: Helen Wright