Opening of Russian flight routes depends on coronavirus infection rate

The Russian airline Aeroflot wants to restart flights between Estonia and Moscow in August, but both Tallinn Airport and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications have said this will depend on the infection rate in Russia.
As of Monday, tickets are already being sold on Aeroflot's website and the first flights should take place from August 1.
However, Russia's reported coronavirus infection rate is 63.9 per 100,000 inhabitants for at least 14 days and for direct flights to Tallinn, Estonia has said it must drop to 25 per 100,000 - a rule which it applies to all countries.
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications (MKM) is regularly reviewing the situation.
Rasmus Ruuda, head of the Public Relations Department of the MKM, said: "The opening of the route also depends on the destination country's own rules. As in Estonia, there are restrictions on entering the country in other countries, which should be taken into account when planning your trip."
Eero Pärgmäe, commercial director of Tallinn Airport, said flights to Ukraine had to be closed again due to new infections.
"Really, the level of Russia is quite high, the level of Sweden is the highest in Europe. The level of the European Union countries is definitely reliable. With Russia and Ukraine, there is a bit of doubt about them, but they give some indication," said Pärgmäe.
If the proportion of people infected with the coronavirus from the country where they come from, or passed through is higher than 16 per 100,000, passengers must remain in self-quarantine for two weeks when they arrive in Estonia.
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Editor: Helen Wright