Wind gusts of up to 37 meters per second near Tallinn, Vaindloo island
The TalTech weather station recorded wind speeds of 37 meters per second on Vaindloo island and 15 kilometers north of Aegna in the Tallinn lowlands on Friday. The Environment Agency recorded slightly lower wind speeds.
Early on Friday morning, the Environment Agency's meteorological service reported wind gusts of 33.2 meters per second, while TalTech stations recorded gusts of 37 meters per second at Vaindloo, a small island in the Gulf of Finland in the Baltic Sea, and in shallow water areas near Tallinn (Tallinna madal).
Miina Krabbi, head of the Environment Agency's meteorological observation department, said that maximum wind gust recorded was 33.2 meters per second at 4.20 a.m. on Osmus Island island; at nine o'clock, the wind speed was 30.6 meters per second on Vaindloo island and 30.3 meters per second at Paldiski harbor at 4.40 a.m.
The Estonian record was set in Ruhnu on November 2, 1969, with a wind speed of 48 meters per second.
The weather service has also issued the first, or mildest, level of warning for Friday across Estonia due to strong winds. Gusts of up to 23 meters per second were expected in parts of mainland Estonia. On Friday, winds are expected to weaken.
Vaindloo Weather Station (TalTech) - wind speed and gust
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Editor: Kristina Kersa