Vaccine ambulances to be implemented in Tallinn
On Monday, the COVID-19 vaccination work group will put into operation a vaccination ambulance service in Tallinn, which will expand across Estonia if proven successful.
A vaccine ambulance is a solution in which a group of at least 10 people wishing to get vaccinated against COVID-19 can call vaccinators to them, whether it be a workplace, an apartment association or a sports club, the vaccination work group's spokesperson announced on Monday morning.
The work group and West Tallinn Central Hospital treatment chief Imbi Moks will introduce the vaccine ambulance project in detail on Monday.
In addition, all counties will open at least one permanent cabinet where people can go to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Registration for vaccines is available through the Patient Portal, but the cabinets are also open to people who are not registered for a specific time slot.
Vaccination cabinets will be opened thanks to the hospital network development plan and the locations and opening times will be listed on (link in Estonian, website also available in English).
As of July 30, opening times have been confirmed in 13 of the 15 counties in Esotnia. Cabinets in Saare and Hiiu counties will open, but their opening times will be published in the start of the week.
Vaccination cabinets will be open at least five days a week and at least one of those days will be on a weekend. The cabinets will be open eight hours a day and will remain open until the end of September.
Editor: Kristjan Kallaste