Reform puts Sutt nomination for Bank of Estonia board role on hold
The Reform Party parliamentary group has put its nomination of Andres Sutt for a position on Bank of Estonia's (Eesti Pank) supervisory board on hold.
Former Minister of Entrepreneurship and Information Technology, was set to replace Jürgen Ligi as Reform's representative on the board.
"The Reform Party group had nominated Andres Sutt for the post, but has asked to suspend the nomination for the time being," said Aivar Kokk (Isamaa), chair of the Riigikogu's Finance Committee.
"On Monday, we were ready to draft a bill to submit to the Riigikogu, but, on Tuesday, Jürgen Ligi asked for it to be suspended and wait for a final decision (to be made). We are now waiting for a proposal from the Reform Party group," Kokk explained.
The Reform parliamentary group has four months to present its candidate for Bank of Estonia's supervisory board. According to Kokk, if they do not do so within that time, the Riigikogu's Finance Committee will select a candidate itself.
Earlier this month, ERR reported that Reform wants to restore Sutt to the supervisory board, after his ministerial role came to an end, in a move that would mean Jürgen Ligi stepping down from the role.
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Editor: Michael Cole