Tallinn changes bus rerouting plans after opposition from local residents
Due to roadworks, the Tallinn transport board had wanted to temporarily reroute bus line number 3 through the narrow Kungla tänav. However, that plan has now been abandoned following opposition from local residents. Bus number 3 will instead run along Volta tänav until the works are complete.
The change of direction comes after local residents protested against the city's plan in a petition sent to the Põhja-Tallinn district government, the transport board and the deputy mayors most closely involved.
Tanel Kiik (Center), deputy mayor of Tallinn with responsibility for managing transport in the capital, told ERR that, due to reconstruction work in the Vana-Kalamaja area, three different options had been considered for use as alternative routes for bus line number 3 on a temporary basis – via Kungla tänav, Volta tänav or Kalaranna tänav.
"Each has its pros and cons, as temporary solutions always do," said Kiik. "The Tallinn Transport Department initially proposed using Kungla tänav, in order that the bus stops be as close as possible to people. However, based on feedback from local residents and after negotiations with the Põhja-Tallinn district government, we decided to be flexible and reroute the bus via Volta tänav," Kiik explained.
Bus line number 3 will be rerouted from Monday December 5. According to Kiik, following the completion of the construction works on Vana-Kalamaja, which is expected to be next June, the number 3 bus will return to its original route.
Local residents also protested against planned changes to parking arrangements in the area, which would have meant a ban for on-street parking.
"The district of Põhja-Tallinn is unlikely to take part in the pilot project regarding parking arrangements this winter, as it wants to discuss any possible changes in more detail," Kiik said.
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Editor: Michael Cole