Signatures in support of Valga maternity ward submitted to Nestor

President of the Riigikogu Eiki Nestor (SDE) on Tuesday accepted a petition and signatures gathered in support of keeping the maternity ward of Valga Hospital open.
The petition was submitted to Nestor by Anastasya Kikkas, representing the signees, and MP Märt Sults (Center).
According to Kikkas, a total of 2,700 people signed the petition, one fifth of whom were from Latvia.
The petition, aimed the Ministry of Social Affairs, was drawn up against the planned closing of the maternity ward at Valga Hospital and in favor of keeping the ward funded and in operation.
ERR News reported earlier this month that the Estonian Health Insurance Fund (EHIF) and Põlva Hospital have decided to close the hospital's maternity ward in October, and the same fate awaits the maternity ward of Valga Hospital, pending the approval of the latter's supervisory board.
EHIF board member Maivi Parv explained that the closure of these two maternity wards due to low numbers of births had been discussed for a few years already, and forecasts aren't indicating that these numbers would increase in the future.
Editor: Aili Vahtla