Estonia 200 wants new tram lines to Viimsi, in Tartu

The nonparliamentary party Estonia 200 has unveiled proposals for investments for exiting the crisis, the most expensive of which would be investments into the green economy, which includes plans for new tramlines from Tallinn's city center to Viimsi and from Tartu's Annelinn District to Lõunakeskus shopping center.
Estonia 200 on Wednesday proposed investing €2.1 billion, which according to party chairwoman Kristina Kallas should be directed to fields where rapid developmental leaps would be possible, earning the Estonian economy a competitive advantage.
"Taking out a large-scale loan is the right decision in the current situation," Kallas said. "A smart decision is not the borrowing, but rather what is done with this loan money."
There are four fields in which to invest, she noted.
Estonia 200 would invest the biggest amount, €1.2 billion, into the green economy. The most important areas thereof in which to invest would be the development of wind farms with a capacity of 500 gigawatt-hours, state planning and the building of infrastructure for the production of clean energy, including storage capacity, at Pakri hydropark, the construction of a special economic zone in Ida-Viru County, a development program for green startups, planning for construction of the proposed Tallinn-Helsinki tunnel, a pilot project for hydrogen-based transport, the renovation and electrification of railroads, the construction of local stations along the Rail Baltic Route, as well as the construction of a City Center-Viimsi tram line in Tallinn and Annelinn-Lõunakeskus tram line in Tartu.
The party would invest another €550 million into education and research. The most important areas thereof include the strengthening of early childhood education, the development of a digital learning general education system, increasing the export of higher education, and the creation of a top research and innovation center together with a research-intensive investment fund.
Estonia 200 would invest €250 million into digitalization, and €100 million into healthcare. In the healthcare field, the party would establish a digital pathway and environment for patients for distance consultations, develop a smart medical history mechanism with the help of artificial intelligence (AI) as well as establish personal health accounts for everyone that would include all of their health-related information for the prevention of illness.
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Editor: Aili Vahtla