Zebra foal born on Otepää farm faring well

A farm in Otepäaa in South Estonia welcomed a new arrival in the form of a zebra foal last week, ETV news show 'Aktuaane kaamera' (AK) reports.
Named Betti and Aleksi, the mating pair and parents of the new foal are kept at the Hobusaare farm, around 15km South of Otepää and close to the Latvian border.
The foal has yet to be named, and had a difficult first few days after being bitten and kicked by its father.
This has been remedied by keeping it in a separate fenced-off space, farm owner Valmar Kängsepp told AK.
"I came down to open the doors in the morning, and saw a new pair of ears, so I called the others to come and take a look," Kängsepp went on.
As with horses, which belong to the same genus, the zebra foal was on its feet from day one and is already frolicking around, and growing rapidly.
The farm is open to visitors, many of whom suggested potential names for the newborn. Järve's family will pick their favorite of these.
There are three extant species of zebra: Grévy's zebra, the mountain zebra and the plains zebra, with the latter being the most common.
The original AK segment (in Estonian) is here.
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Editor: Andrew Whyte, Merili Nael
Source: 'Aktuaalne kaamera', reporter Leevi Lillemäe.