Local designer puts on fashion show in Põltsamaa Castle courtyard

This weekend, a fashion show was held in the courtyard of Põltsamaa Castle, where the creations of local craftswoman and fashion designer Katre Arula could be seen. Arula has been developing her own brand for the past nine years and draws inspiration for her unique designs from Estonian folk art.
For just one evening, the courtyard of Põltsamaa Castle in Jõgeva County was transformed into a grand stage to showcase the creations of Estonian fashion designer Katre Arula. Arula, who has spent the last five years developing her own brand, used local models aged from as young as five all the way up to 75 for the show.
"My work is characterized by my own techniques. In general, a lot of it is inspired by folk art," said Arula.
Arula not only creates the designs for her work, but also makes almost everything herself, meaning each item definitely contains a personal touch.
She runs the workshop in the courtyard of Põltsamaa Castle along with her daughter Triin, and works alongside five other craftspeople.
"I think the way she manages to take motifs from knitted fabrics and reuse them in combination with modern details, creates really super results," said Anu Hint, head of Estonian Fashion Designers' Association (EMÜ).

"We could see them being worn by real people. They were made for big and small, tall and short, and they suit everyone. These are our own patterns and designs and they really suit our people," said Liina Veskimägi-Iliste, chair of the Estonian Folk Art and Craft Union.
At the end of the colorful hour-long fashion show, Arula and the models were given a huge standing ovation.
"For me, the positive thing is that there is a lot of handicrafts being made in Põltsamaa, and it is really appreciated here. That's just the way it is. I've remained here and I feel very comfortable here," said Arula.
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Editor: Michael Cole