Renewables tender brings in interest amounting to over 1,000 Gwh of energy
A recent tender process organized by the Estonian state brought about a potential 1,070 gigawatt-hours (GWh) of renewable energy production, though the bids are currently provisional, and subject to verification.
The tender is being conducted by Transmissions Systems Operator (TSO) Elering, a state-owned concern, with the aim of getting 650 GWh of renewable electricity on to the market.
At least half of this 650GWh must be generated in the first and fourth quarters of a given year, and successful bidders must start production no later than July 1, 2027.
A total of 10 bids from seven companies were received for the low tender, Elering announced.
The firms say they plan to produce 893 GWh from wind energy and 177 GWh from solar energy.
The bids ranged in price from €21.89 to €44.9 per MWh.
If all bids received meet the conditions of the lowest bid, all those at a price of 39.8 euros per megawatt hour or less would prove successful, Elering had said.
The current data is preliminary and bids will be followed by verification processes to examine whether they meet the requirements are not.
This should be complete within 70 days, ERR reports.
The offered price constitutes the guaranteed sales revenue per hour, whence the exchange price of the corresponding hour of the day is deducted when paying the state support due for renewables.
The maximum subsidy is €20 per MWh, under the conditions of the tender.
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Editor: Andrew Whyte