January ratings: Reform surpasses Centre in popularity
According to the results of the latest survey commissioned by daily Postimees and conducted by Kantar Emor, the opposition Reform Party has narrowly surpassed the coalition Centre Party in popularity this month.
Based on the results of the poll, voter support for Reform totalled 24% in January, while support for Centre totalled 23%.
Once again in third place overall, the opposition Conservative People's Party of Estonia (EKRE) received the support of 20% of voters.
Support for the coalition Social Democratic Party (SDE), meanwhile, totalled 12%, for the coalition Pro Patria, 8% and newcomer Estonia 200, 7%.
Falling below the 5% election threshold, the non-parliamentary Estonian Greens earned the support of 3% of voters, while the opposition Free Party had the support of 1% of voters.
From 4-8 January, Kantar Emor surveyed a total of 1,340 voting-age citizens between the ages of 18-84 online, with the margin of error not exceeding ±2.4%. A total of 21% of respondents indicated no preference in their responses.
The 2019 Riigikogu elections will be held on 3 March.
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Editor: Aili Vahtla