Luik: USA and Iran defuse situation
Minister of Defense Jüri Luik (Isamaa) said on the ETV Ringvaade program, when commenting on U.S. President Donald Trump's Iran statement from yesterday, that Trump effectively deescalated the situation and it is likely there will not be a military response from the Americans.
"Trump emphasized that Iran has clearly attempted to deescalate the conflict and the U.S. is also concentrating on political and economic sanctions and work in international organizations," Luik said.
Luik mentioned Trump's wish for NATO to be more active in the Middle East.
"In short – there will not be a military response from USA that creates the possibility of notably deescalating the situation," the Estonian defense minister said.
He added that the U.S. early warning system worked well, and Iran aimed its missiles so they would not hit civilians or military personnel. "It was also Iran's desire to indicate that while there will be a counterattack, we want to avoid human casualties," Luik said.
Iran fired over a dozen ballistic missiles at two military bases in Iraq that are home to U.S. and allied troops the night before Wednesday.
The attack came as a response to the U.S. targeted killing of Gen. Qasem Soleimani in Iraq.
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Editor: Marcus Turovski