Passenger ferries still running to Finland despite planned entry bar

Restrictions on entry to Finland via ferry planned for last week still have not come into force, meaning travel there is still possible from Estonia, though it would require a 14-day quarantine period upon arrival due to that country's coronavirus restrictions.
The Finnish government introduced new restrictions last week that should have barred ferry passengers from Estonia, as well as Sweden, to enter Finland. The restrictions were originally scheduled to take effect within a few days of their introduction, but this has not yet happened as of Monday morning.
A representative of Estonian shipping company Tallink Group told ERR on Monday that, to their knowledge, discussions on the implementation of restrictions in Finland will continue through this week.
Ferries are still running between the two countries, principally for cargo supply to Finland. Truck drivers and others involved in the transport of freight are generally exempt from the quarantine restrictions.
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Editor: Andrew Whyte