UT extends admissions application period, offers help to highschoolers

The University of Tartu has decided to extend the admissions application period by a day. Secondary school students preparing for state examinations will receive help from university faculty.
Secondary school students preparing for state examinations will receive recommendations from teaching staff and students at the Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics for preparing for the state examination in Estonian, they are able to take part in a preparatory intensive course for the state examination in mathematics and an e-course in biology exercises of the Faculty of Medicine.
Even though the Ministry of Education and Research have made high school final examinations voluntary rather than compulsory this academic year, University of Tartu and Tallinn University of Technology have advised students to sit for both the Estonian language and mathematics state examinations in order to have more opportunities in the future.
The Estonian language examination will take place on May 29. The written examination in Estonian as a second language will be held on June 1 and the speaking test from June 1 to 3. Until May 29, faculty of University of Tartu Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics will publish a daily recommendation alongside examples and guides for practising for the examination on the institute blog.
The mathematics exam will take place on June 5. An intensive preparatory course will start from May 16, registrations are open and will be until May 19. Programme Director at the Centre for Mathematics Education Kristel Mikkor says participants are able to learn independently from preparatory online materials, take part in consultations and ask for advice on the forum of the learning environment.
The University of Tartu has decided to extend the application period by a day. The results of the state examinations are to be published on June 30 and the deadline of UT applications is now on July 2.
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Editor: Anders Nõmm