Prime minister submits Estonia's development strategy until 2035
Prime Minister Jüri Ratas on Monday presented to the parliament the state's long-term development strategy "Estonia 2035" which will steer the state's decisions for the coming 15 years and will serve as basis for planning EU support and the state budget processes.
Ratas said that the document has been in the making for over two years with the help of close to 17,000 people as Estonia's long-term vision requires a broad-based discussion.
"During these two years, close to 30 workshops have been held across Estonia and a nationwide idea collection campaign has been carried out, enabling for numerous Estonian people to have their say in addition to politicians, officials, researchers and representative organizations of the civil society. The drafting of "Estonia 2035" has been more open than it has been customary for political documents and I hope such co-creation will be the new norm in the future," he said.
"Estonia 2035" is a strategy that supports cooperation between the government and parliament and integrates the strategic planning and policy shaping processes of all areas along with their financing principles, according to the prime minister.
"The objective of the development strategy is for Estonia to also remain in the future a secure democratic state where the viability of the Estonian language, nation and culture is guaranteed," he said.
"Estonia 2035" sets five equally important strategic objectives - that the people living in Estonia be smart and active and care about their health; that the Estonian society be caring, cooperation-oriented and open; that the living environment in Estonia be safe and of high quality and take everyone's needs into account; that the Estonian economy be strong, innovative and responsible, and Estonia itself be an innovative, reliable and people-centered state.
The strategy will next be discussed and adopted by the Riigikogu, after which the government will approve an action plan for meeting the goals set in therein. "Estonia 2035" will above all be implemented through field-based development plans and programs and serve as basis for planning for local governments and public, private and third sector organizations.
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Editor: Helen Wright