Prices of electricity packages vary from seller to seller
Seven sellers offer electricity to consumers across Estonia. According to data from Go OÜ, the operator of comparing websites and, the price difference between the most expensive and cheapest package is €26 for variable packages and €62 for fixed packages.
Kert Valbet, Go spokesperson, said that switching electricity packages can be compared to changing mobile network operators, where the service provider can offer the consumer a better deal during the process. At the same time, the flexibility in prices also differs in the electricity market.
"Some are cheap operators, just as there are in mobile networks and some offer up extra values like insurance and such," Valbet noted.
For the comparison, all the cheapest fixed packages are calculated against the average electricity consumption per person in Estonia.
The cheapest variable package by year is 220 Energia, offering a rate of €154 a year (0,179 s/kWH, monthly pay €0). Imatra Elekter, Alexela and Eesti Gaas stay in the same range, although a couple of euros more expensive.
Prices can differ when comparing packages, because Eesti Energia and Eesti Gaas do not offer transparent pricing and the packages depend on the consumer.
According to data from Statistics Estonia (Statistikaamet), the average consumption of electricity per household in Estonia is 3,464 kWH a year, making Eesti Energia's variable package the most expensive - up to €180 a year, mostly affected by the €1.99 fixed monthly rate.
Valbet noted that the monthly pay component makes up a large part for the consumer, hiking the package's prices.
Of fixed rate packages, 220 Energia is once again the cheapest with its yearly rate standing at €210. Eesti Gaas offers the most expensive package, coming to €272 yearly.
According to data from Elering, 15,099 consumers switched their provider last year and 15,772 consumers have switched over in 2020. Valbet says some 15 percent of all switching consumers go through Consumers were most active in switching their providers in July this year with more than 4,000 consumers making the decision.
Find a comparison graph of electricity rates below. The green columns are variable exchange packages and the red columns are prices for fixed packages. The vertical scale is in euros.
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Editor: Kristjan Kallaste