Former EU commissioner leaves Center Party

Estonia's former EU commissioner Kadri Simson announced on Tuesday that she will leave the Center Party, as the new leadership is transforming the party in ways unfamiliar to her. She has no plans to join another political party.
Simson said several people have decided to leave the party at the same time.
"This is a decision that does not come with a light heart and brings no joy. Over the course of this year, several well-known members have left the Center Party — people with whom I worked to lead, build, and shape Estonian politics. The new leadership is reshaping the party in ways that are foreign to me," she said.
The politician pointed out the party's membership numbers are clearly declining.
"The departure of members is also understandable because the principles of the Center Party have changed. There is talk of a mystical return to the party's roots, but it rings hollow when expressed by people, some of whom have only recently joined the party. These individuals cannot possibly remember the longer history or essence of the Center Party," Simson remarked.
Simson was first elected to the Center Party board in 2000. She served as the party's secretary-general, deputy chair, and head of the Pärnu County branch, as well as the chair of the party's Riigikogu group. From December 2019 until November 2024, she was the european commissioner for energy.
"Some of my companions have decided to leave the party with me. This includes dedicated people from Pärnu County, as well as long-time friends and colleagues who have been part of my team in the Riigikogu, the ministry, and the European Commission. Together, we have devoted countless hours to sustaining the Center Party, but recent developments have taken away our motivation to support a party with altered views," Simson said.
She does not currently plan to join any other Estonian political party or participate in local elections in October 2025.
"Still, I believe my time in Estonian politics is not over. However, my shared journey with today's Center Party has come to an end. What comes next, time will tell," she added.
Since Mihhail Kõlvart was elected as the party's chair in autumn 2023, many prominent politicians have left the party, including former Prime Minister Jüri Ratas, Former Minister of Health Tanel Kiik, former Minister of Public Administration Jaak Aab, former Minister of Environment Tõnis Mölder, and MP Jaanus Karilaid.
Many have joined new parties, mostly the Social Democrats and Isamaa.
Center currently has 2,200 members.
Simson said in November that she would be taking up an academic position at Columbia University in the U.S. after her term as European Commissioner ends.
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Editor: Marko Tooming, Helen Wright