Two ministers to run for Center Party Tallinn division in local polls

The Center Party’s Tallinn division has chosen its candidates for two of the city’s districts in the upcoming local elections. While Minister of Public Administration Mihhail Korb will be running in the center, Minister of Education and Research Mailis Reps will head the party’s efforts in Nõmme.
Both were proposed by Prime Minister Jüri Ratas (Center). Ratas said about Reps that she had proven herself a very able politician with experience both as a minister and a member of parliament. “As a resident of Nõmme Mailis Reps is very well informed about the worries and needs of this part of the city,” Ratas said, adding that her effort and dedication made her the right choice to lead the party’s list in Nõmme.
About Korb, Ratas said that he had run several parts of Tallinn and earned the voters’ trust with his work. Korb had the communication skills and the decisiveness he needed, and as a thorough individual was informed in detail about what was going on in the capital’s center district, Ratas said.
Reps commented that for her to be a candidate in Nõmme was logical, as she had lived there for a long time and was familiar with everyday life there.
Korb promised that he would do his utmost to make sure that the cooperation between the state and the city would continue in good spirit.
With the two ministers, the party has now named all of its front runners for Tallinn. In Mustamäe, acting mayor Taavi Aas will run. In Lasnamäe, the party’s selection is deputy mayor Mihhail Kõlvart, taking over the territory of former long-time Center Party chairman Edgar Savisaar. In Haabersti, Center Party MP Viktor Vassiljev will try his luck, while in Põhja-Tallinn MEP Yana Toom (Center/ALDE) will lead the party list. For Kristiine and Pirita, the party has decided on MP Andrei Novikov and city district elder, Tõnis Mölder.
Editor: Dario Cavegn