ASF detected on pig farm in Lääne County
The Estonian Food and Veterinary Board (VTA) has diagnosed African swine fever (ASF) in pigs on a farm with 6,800 pigs belonging to Linnamäe Peekon OÜ in Lääne-Nigula Municipality, Western Estonia.
The VTA received a call on Monday morning stating that increased mortality had been detected on the farm. The last time the VTA had examined the farm for ASF was at the end of August, and no breaches in biosecurity were detected at the time.
On Tuesday morning, the VTA lab confirmed that ASF was on the farm, after which the farm was quarantined.
An epidemiological expert analysis is being carried out on the farm to determine how the virus reached the farm. In addition, the pigs are to be killed and the carcasses disposed of by AS Vireen.
ASF is widely spread in countries neighboring Estonia. To date, the virus has reached 75 Polish farms as well as eight Lithuanian farms, including a farm with 25,000 pigs. In Latvia, six cases of ASF in domestic pigs have been registered this year.
ASF has been detected on three Estonian farms so far this year.
Editor: Aili Vahtla
Source: BNS