October consumer price index up 1.6 percent on year

According to information released by Statistics Estonia, the consumer price index (CPI) was down 0.1 percent compared with September and up 1.6 percent on year.
On year, goods were 0.6 percent and services 3.3 percent more expensive in October. Regulated prices of goods and services fell by 1.8 percent and non-regulated prices rose by 2.5 percent. The last time the change in CPI was below 2 percent compared with the same month of the previous year was in November 2016 (1 percent).
Compared with October 2018, the CPI was affected the most by the price increase of food and non-alcoholic beverages. The biggest impact on the latter came from 4.1 percent more expensive meat products and 5.3 percent more expensive flour products. Of food products, the biggest price increase was seen for rice (11 percent), while the biggest price decreases were recorded for fresh fish (28 percent) and potatoes (11 percent).
Alcoholic beverages were 7.4 percent cheaper, diesel fuel 4.8 percent and gasoline 3.5 percent cheaper.
Compared with September, the CPI was affected the most by the price decrease of food and non-alcoholic beverages. The biggest impact came from cheaper vegetables (7.2 percent) and cheaper fruit (5.1 percent).
Plane tickets bought for October were 15.5 percent more expensive than tickets purchased for September, while motor fuel was 1.5 percent more expensive than in September.
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Editor: Aili Vahtla