Ukraine cancels free long-term visas for Estonian citizens

In response to a similar move made by Estonia, Ukraine has decided to no longer issue long-term visas to Estonian citizens for free.
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted the relevant order on Nov. 15. With this order, the Cabinet canceled a July 18, 2018 order on the issuing of long-term visas to Estonian citizens to enter Ukraine, according to which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs provided reciprocity for long-term visas at a zero tariff rate for the consular fee.
The Estonian government decided in September to discontinue the issuance of free long-term visas to citizens of Ukraine and Belarus as of Nov. 1.
The Estonian side justified its decision with the fact that 90 percent of the citizens of Ukraine and Belarus seeking such visas apply for a long-term visa to enter employment in Estonia.
The duty-free registration of long-term visas had been in effect in Estonia for Ukrainian citizens since 2010 and for Belarusian citizens since 2011.
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Editor: Aili Vahtla