Portal: Protections improved for two endangered bird species

Just before Christmas, Minister of the Environment Rene Kokk (EKRE) amended a regulation according to which an additional of 1,239 hectares of land will be designated the protected habitats of two species under category I protection in Estonia — the black stork and the greater spotted eagle, online portal geenius.ee writes.
Just 40-60 pairs of black storks (Ciconia nigra) and 5-10 pairs of greater spotted eagles (Clanga clanga) nest in Estonia, geenius.ee writes (link in Estonian).
Changes dedicated to preserving the two species' habitats will also be introduced, including restrictions on economic activity and the use of natural resources within the vicinity of the birds' habitats and nesting sites.
Current threats to both black storks and greater spotted eagles include the breakup of old-growth forests suitable for nesting, the reduction in size and biodiversity thereof, as well as the disappearance of suitable feeding habitats.
The latest changes will serve to ensure the effective protection of all known habitat of both species in Estonia.
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Editor: Aili Vahtla