Only two new cases of coronavirus diagnosed in last 24 hours

Two new cases of COVID-19 were diagnosed on Tuesday taking the total number of cases in Estonia to 1,713, the Health Board said on Wednesday. The cases were diagnosed in Pärnu and Tallinn.
Between 7 a.m. May 5 and 7 a.m. May 6, a total of 1,541 tests were analyzed in Estonia, of which two or 0.1 percent turned out to be positive.
As of Wednesday morning, 70 people are being treated in hospital, four of them are breathing with the aid of ventilators. Yesterday, Six patients were breathing with the aid of ventilators. To date, 257 people have been sent home from hospital, 264 cases have been closed.
No new deaths occurred during the day. In total, the coronavirus has claimed the lives of 55 people in Estonia.
A total of 58,955 tests have been carried out in Estonia, of which 1,713 or 2.9 percent have been positive.
Yesterday, eight new cases of coronavirus were announced by the Health Board, and the proceeding days testing reported three and one new cases, respectively.
More detailed statistics on corona tests can be viewed at
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Editor: Helen Wright