Reform Party's Q2 revenue mainly from state support, donations to Center up

The Reform Party received nearly €433,000 in state support in the second quarter of 2022, accounting for 87 percent of its nearly €500,000 in total revenue for the quarter. Center, meanwhile, saw a significant increase in party donations.
The Reform Party received €432,623 in state support last quarter, according to an overview published by the Political Party Funding Supervision Committee (ERJK).
Reform also received €60,271 in donations last quarter, including a €25,000 donation from Aivar Linnamäe, a €14,000 donation from Tarmo Tamm and a €10,000 donation from Mait Rõõmusaar.
A total of 138 people donated to the Reform Party last quarter. Among those to donate were Siim Kallas with €1,500, Ants Laaneots with €500, and Kaja Kallas and Paul-Eerik Rummo each with €300.
In all, 177 Reform Party members paid €3,575 in membership dues last quarter. Reform also earned €1,222 in revenue from party-owned assets.
Center receives donations boost in second quarter
The Center Party collected €126,326 in financial donations in the second quarter of this year, a boost from €82,000 last quarter.
The largest single donation to the party was €8,500.
MPs Andrei Korobeinik and Jaak Aab gave €5,000 and €4,000, respectively, followed by Kersti Sarapuu, Mihhail Korb and Yana Toom who all donated €3,000 each.
Last quarter, Center received €20,326 in membership dues and €330,830 in state support.
In the fourth quarter of 2021, the party received €127,314 in donations and membership dues, and €228,340 in quarter three.
Businessman donates €100,000 to Isamaa
Isamaa, meanwhile, received a total of €110,000 in donations in the second quarter of 2022, €100,000 of which was donated by businessman Parvel Pruunsild.
In all, the party received a combined €268,214 in membership dues and donations last quarter, including €152,691 in state support, €110,054 in donations and €5,470 in membership dues.
Isamaa received 11 donations from seven people, including €5,000 from Kaspar Kokk, €4,500 from Priit Sibul and €500 from Andres Metsoja.
Donations from Sibul, Kokk and Pruunsild were made in the final days of the quarter — with Sibul and Kokk donating on June 30 and Pruunsild on June 27.
The highest membership dues were paid last quarter by MP Urmas Reinsalu (€620) and party chair Helir-Valdor Seeder and MPs Raivo Tamm, Tarmo Kruusimäe, Üllar Saaremäe and Viktoria Ladõnskaja-Kubits, each of whom paid €450 in dues in three months.
A total of 131 people paid membership dues to Isamaa in the second quarter.
SDE receives nearly €20,000 in donations
The Social Democratic Party (SDE), meanwhile, saw €152,272 in revenues in the second quarter of 2022, 84 percent of which consisted of €127,242 in state support.
The party's biggest donors last quarter were its own members. Between April and July, SDE secretary general Eduard Odinets donated €2,800, MP Riina Sikkut €2,100, MEP Marina Kaljurand €1,500, Lauri Paeveer €1,250, party chair Lauri Läänemets €1,200, Ivari Padar €1,060, Indrek Saar €1,050, Sven Mikser €1,000, Gea Kangilaski €1,000, Jaak Juske €950, Raimond Kaljulaid €900, Kaarel Oja €850, Lemmit Kaplinski €750 and Helmen Kütt €700.
The SDE also received €5,587 in membership dues in the second quarter, including €850 paid by Joosep Vimm, €750 by Madle Lippus and €700 by Jevgeni Ossinovski.
A total of 112 party members paid membership dues last quarter.
EKRE receives nearly €16,000 in donations
In the second quarter of 2022, the Conservative People's Party of Estonia (EKRE) received just under €16,000 in donations — the smallest sum of all five parliamentary parties — from a total of 98 donors.
EKRE's second quarter revenues totaled €263,085, of which state support in the amount of €241,760 accounted for more than 90 percent. EKRE also received €15,778 in donations and earned €2,420 in revenue from party-owned assets.
The party's biggest donors last quarter included Jaak Valge with €2,500, Kert Kingo with €1,170, Alar Laneman with €1,110, Helle-Moonika Helme with €1,100, Aivar Sööt with €1,000 and Anti Poolamets with €1,000.
230 party members paid a total of €3,128 in membership dues in the second quarter.
According to ERJK data, EKRE chairman Martin Helme neither paid membership dues nor donated any money to the party last quarter.
Eesti 200 receives more than €100,000 in donations
The non-parliamentary Eesti 200 received more than €100,000 in donations last quarter, accounting for the majority of the party's revenues.
Eesti 200's second quarter revenues totaled €133,249, including €104,445 in donations from 36 people, €3,805 in membership dues and €25,000 in state support.
The party's biggest donors included Meelis Niinepuu with €25,000, Margus Tsahkna with €21,500, Priit Alamäe with €20,300, Jaan Pillesaar with €15,000, Tarmo Tamm with €10,010 and Oleg Ossinovski with €5,000.
Eesti 200 chair Kristina Kallas paid €100 in membership dues last quarter.
A total of 126 party members paid membership dues last quarter.
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Editor: Aili Vahtla, Helen Wright