Finnish FM: Finland to reduce visas issued to Russians by 90 percent

Finland will reduce the number of visas it issues to Russian citizens by 90 percent, Minister for Foreign Affairs Pekka Haavisto said on Tuesday, public broadcaster Yle reported.
The changes will take place in September and Finland also supports ending the EU visa facilitation agreement with Russia, which is backed by Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
Finland currently accepts approximately 1,000 visa applications from Russian citizens every day, which will be cut to 100 next month.
Priority will be given to those applying for visas due to family reasons, work or study, Yle wrote. Discussions regarding humanitarian visas are underway.
Haavisto said Finland and the Baltics will propose a joint solution on Russian visas to the EU.
He said Finland alone cannot reduce the flows, echoing statements made by Estonian Minister of the Interior Lauri Läänemets (SDE).
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Editor: Helen Wright