Daily: New study looks at Estonians' attitude toward environmental values
A recent study commissioned by the Ministry of the Environment finds that environmental matters aren't as important to Estonians as they were two years ago.
The Estonians' environmental awareness study found that people take less of an interest in environmental topics, the Delfi news portal reports.
"This is understandable to some extent because of the war and people worrying about the coming winter. It also supports the theory that one's personal needs are closer to heart than the environment. That said, those basic needs depend on the state of the environment around us, which requires us to boost awareness," survey author Mihkel Kangur said.
At the same time, a surprising number of people support making structural changes in society, with 43 percent of those questioned in favor of dropping the expectation for economic growth and 17.5 percent undecided. 63 percent of people supported curbing energy consumption and 62 percent production and consumption in general, mostly younger and elderly people.
Asked what is stopping people from living in a more environmentally friendly way, 59 percent said it was the cost of lifestyle, while 54 percent believe legislation and the economic system do not favor a more sparing way of living. 32 percent of people questioned said they lack the necessary know-how and skills.
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Editor: Marcus Turovski
Source: Delfi