Tallinn, PPA launch bike theft prevention campaign

A campaign to prevent bicycle theft and raise people's awareness of the crime has been launched by The City of Tallinn and the Police and Border Guard Board (PPA).
Last year, 440 bicycle thefts were registered in Tallinn, which is 19 percent less than in 2021 (544).
Although the number of bike thefts has decreased, it is still important to raise people's awareness about the possibility of becoming a victim of theft, Tallinn said in a statement.
Deputy Mayor Tiit Terik said the city is developing its cycling infrastructure: "This, in turn, makes it necessary to pay more attention to the topic of safe keeping and storage of bicycles, which we will do together with the police."
Kaido Atspol, an investigator of the Ida-Harju police station in the Northern Prefecture, said the PPA believes raising people's awareness and preventative activities are the most important measures in preventing bicycle theft.
"Bicycle owners can do a lot themselves to avoid becoming a victim of theft – a thief must not be given the opportunity to steal," said Atspol.
"Bikes must not be left unlocked and a secure lock must be used. The storage room where the bicycle is stored must not be easily accessible to outsiders and the bike must be locked there as well."
The campaign reminds people to contact the PPA if they have been the victim of a theft on the emergency number 112, by going to the nearest police station, or through the website www.politsei.ee.
The police must also be informed if the victim has home or bicycle insurance or if they notice a stolen bicycle being sold on.
As a preventive measure, bicycle owners should keep all purchase documents, take photos of the bike and add special features or write a number on the frame. It is important to purchase a secure bicycle lock and always lock the bike.
It is also worth doing it in seemingly safe places, such as a basement or garage. The police are sometimes notified of situations where the victim doesn't discover until spring that their bike is missing from the basement.
Information related to the 'Lock or Lose' campaign and information on the project 'Bike to School' supporting the purchase of bicycles for schoolchildren can be found on the website www.tallinn.ee/linnaratas.
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Editor: Helen Wright