Eesti 200 head: Michal unlikely to repeat Kallas' ill-considered remarks

The leader of the coalition Eesti 200 party, Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna, when comparing outgoing Prime Minister Kaja Kallas and her probable replacement Kristen Michal, said that the latter, unlike the former, is not in the habit of making ill-considered remarks.
Tsahkna told Vikerraadio Wednesday morning that he has shared a coalition with Michal on two previous occasions as well as during the past year in the Kallas administration.
"They are very different people, characters. Thinking of Kaja Kallas, I don't think there was a week in which a remark by the prime minister was not raising pulses. She also made things difficult for those around her," Tsahkna said.
Tsahkna said that Kallas' utterances were not always thoughtful, giving the example of some of her car tax-related remarks.
"Telling teachers to go and advertise for the government's car tax plan if they want a raise during a teachers' strike... Michal is not bound to make such ill-considered or emotional outbursts," Tsahkna noted, adding that the prime minister's communication will take a clear turn for the deliberate should Michal land the post.
Tsahkna suggested that Kristen Michal has a wealth of political experience, also from the administrations of Andrus Ansip and even Siim Kallas.
Coming back to Kaja Kallas, the foreign minister said that the outgoing premier always kept going even if it meant going through a wall, irrespective of whether it would damage her or not, suggesting this is part of the reason why Kallas is looking at the EU high representative job today.
"It is a matter of character. And she'll look you in the eye and tell it how it is."
Tsahkna characterized Kristen Michal as a team player and builder.
"He is extremely persistent and brings home the result. But he also makes sure to have a team behind him. Even in this initial phase of consultations he is making sure everyone is satisfied, including people from competing parties.
But Tsahkna also said that serving as prime minister can open up entirely new facets in people.
"The prime minister is a top executive, and it is a very lonely position. No matter how many team members you have, you're still alone at the end of the day. I have seen many different prime ministers. The position can open up a person we've perhaps not seen before."
Tsahkna backs Kristina Kallas for Eesti 200 leader
Talking about Eesti 200's in-house election set for late August, with Kristina Kallas and Hendrik Johannes Terras likely to go up against one another, Tsahkna endorsed the former.
Tsahkna suggested that when Lauri Hussar resigned as party chairman a year ago, it was agreed that Kristina Kallas would remain education minister and Tsahkna would take over running the party for a year because of his political experience.
The foreign minister said that his initial plan was to resign at the October general assembly, while it has now been moved up to August.
"I firmly believe that Kristina Kallas is ready to take over running the party. She has enough experience and vision. And I hope she wants to. No papers have been filed yet as the general meeting will not be held before August 31," Tsahkna said.
Regarding opposing candidate Terras, Margus Tsahkna said that the young politician reminds him of himself back in 2003 when Mart Laar invited him to join Isamaa. "I also revolted, made demands and threw around ideas. It is cool that we have something like a real party where there is a struggle of ideas."
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Editor: Marcus Turovski