ERK looking to register party this week
The newly formed party Estonian Nationalists and Conservatives (ERK) hopes to register as a party this week but still needs 20 more members to meet the threshold, said vice-chairman Silver Kuusik.
At the founding meeting on June 29, the party had 435 members and Chairman Henn Põlluaas and Kuusik, vice-chairman, hoped ERK could be registered within a few days. A party needs 500 members to register itself.
On Wednesday, Kuusik said it still missing 20 members but hopes the target number will be met this week.
"The party will certainly be registered in July, but of course, we are going with a more optimistic schedule," he said.
The list is still being checked to rule out double entries, Kuusik said. Applicants will also be checked for criminal records.
The ERK group, which is mostly made up of former EKRE members, met for the first time on June 15.
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Editor: Eliis Lõhmus, Helen Wright