Estonia wants to continue training Ukrainian humanitarian EOD operators
Estonia and Ukraine are interested in continuing cooperation in the field of training humanitarian explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) specialists, officials said at the conclusion of a course during which training consistent with international standards was provided to 17 humanitarian EOD specialists from Ukraine.
Under the cooperation project, which has lasted a year and a half, Estonia supported the establishment of a system of training of humanitarian EOD specialists meeting international standards in Ukraine and the provision of training to the first cadets and instructors, spokespeople for the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences said.
According to Arno Pugonen, adviser a the EOD center of the Estonian Rescue Board and manager of the project, said that cooperation under the project went smoothly and turned out broader than planned. In addition to Lviv State University of Life Safety, the corresponding university in the city of Harkiv was also involved in the project, along with local rescue services and several other state structures.
During a meeting that took place on Thursday, Lviv State University of Life Safety vice-rector Myroslav Koval and Estonian Academy of Security Sciences rector Katri Raik expressed their interest in and readiness to continue their cooperation.
According to Raik, the parties involved are now on the lookout for a source of financing which would allow first year cadets in Lviv to receive their first training corresponding to international standards in Estonia.
In addition to study trips and participation in training programs, Estonian and Ukrainian experts developed a study plan and several new syllabuses.
"Part of Ukraine is at war, and together with the people of Ukraine we hope that the war will end," Pugonen said. "It is then, however, that the real work of humanitarian EOD specialists will begin, which will continue for decades."
The 18-month joint project between Lviv State University of Life Safety and the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences was financed by Estonia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The 18-month project between the Lviv State University of Life Safety and the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences was financed by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Editor: Aili Vahtla
Source: BNS