Enefit Solutions to supply metal structures for British power plant

Eesti Energia subsidiary Enefit Solutions is supplying 900 tons of metal structures for a biofuel-fired power station to be built in the United Kingdom. The second batch of what consists mainly of gas channels and piping left the port of Sillamäe last week.
The company has worked on the plans and production of metal parts for the power plant since the first half of 2017. A first order of parts left Estonia in May last year, and a third is scheduled for April.
Most of the parts produced by Enefit Solutions are air and gas channels. Participating in large-scale international projects like this one reaffirms employees and the company, while it also meant additional competence and experience, CEO Ott Licht said according to a Wednesday press release.
Enefit Solutions has been involved in the project through international technology consortium Sumimoto Foster Wheeler, which is participating in the construction of the Billingham Biomass Power Station, one of the largest of its kind in the UK. The planned capacity of the power plant is 299 MW, which is comparable to the capacity of Eesti Energia's Auvere power plant, and the cost of the Billingham power plant is approximately £650 million, or €770 million.
Construction of the power plant began in early 2017. The plant is expected to go online in early 2020. The power plant will be operated by Finnish state-owned energy group Fortum.
Enefit Solutions is the main developer, producer and maintainer of technological solutions for power stations and oil plants in Estonia. Like its parent company, Enefit Solutions is eventually state-owned, and the optimal realization of its capacity also involves participating in foreign projects. Last year the company built more than 2,000 tons of metal structures.
Editor: Dario Cavegn
Source: BNS, ERR