Kaljulaid attends Zelensky inauguration in Kiev

President Kersti Kaljulaid attended the inauguration of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kiev on Monday, after which the two heads of state sat down for a work meeting.
Kaljulaid congratulated Zelensky on his inauguration and expressed continued support for Ukraine's EU and NATO aspirations, according to an Office of the President press release.
"Ukraine is a part of Europe, and Europe cannot forget that there is a war underway in Ukraine, and Crimea remains occupied," she said.
The Estonian head of state also stressed that the entire West is closely following Zelensky first steps as Ukraine's new president, both when it comes to filling key positions as well as shaping policy.
"An economic environment not conducive to foreign investments and an occasionally faltering fight against corruption are issues that are preventing Ukraine's development and the increase in its people's personal wealth," Kaljulaid said following the meeting with her new colleague. "The newly inaugurated head of state has a good opportunity right now to demonstrate that Ukraine will continue to remain on its chosen path in the fight against these issues."
Kaljulaid was on a working visit to Ukraine on Monday, during which she attended Zelensky's inauguration and later met with the new head of state. The three Baltic presidents also met with U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry.
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Editor: Aili Vahtla