Environment Agency: Alleged Hiiumaa wolf attack not confirmed

The Environment Agency said on Friday that the claim of a rural resident of Hiiumaa that she fell victim to a wolf attack at the door of her home earlier this week could not be confirmed.
Wolf specialists who examined the site did not find a single piece of evidence or any indication suggesting a wolf attack, spokespeople for the Environment Agency told BNS.
"Had this indeed been a wolf attack, it would have been a very rare and exceptional event," Marko Kübarsepp, wolf specialist at the agency, said. He added that specialists hadn't found a single item on the scene that would uphold the woman's claim that the animal that attacked her was a wolf.
According to the agency's latest wildlife monitoring survey, Hiiumaa didn't have a single litter of wolves last year, although there are reports of lone wolves living on Estonia's second-largest island.
Finnish statistics indicate that plenty of reported wolf attacks turn out to be dog attacks later on. "Knowing the behavior of wolves, I can say that a wolf would never attack a human in the yard of their home in this way," Kübarsepp said.
He added that in Finland, a procedure is in place for alleged wolf attacks that analyzes a DNA sample from the victim's wound taken in hospital. This allows to clearly identify the attacker.
The Estonian Hunters' Society said on Thursday that a woman had sustained serious injuries to her face in an attack by what they believe to have been a wolf at the door of her home in the Tahkuna area of Hiiumaa at about 3 or 4 a.m. on Wednesday. The animal allegedly charged at the woman when she opened the door of the house to let her own dog in.
The woman sustained serious injuries to the area of one eye, and required emergency medical attention.
The Environment Agency said there was no reason for panic.
The Environment Agency is the state agency responsible for wildlife monitoring in Estonia.
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Editor: Dario Cavegn