Gallery: Conservationists inspect Estonia's largest tapestry
Conservationists and the National Heritage Board investigated the condition of the country's largest tapestry on Wednesday.
Almost 10 meters high and 50 meters long, the tapestry "Life of the People" (Inimeste elu) is the largest textile work of art in Estonia.
The tapestry was created by Estonian artist and writer Enn Põldroos in 1985. It was made to hang as the stage backdrop in the main hall at Linnahall.
Conservationists checked the tapestry, making sure it was in good condition and there were no moths or mould.
Põldroos is a well-known artist who has been active in the cultural life of the country since the 1950s, as a painter, theorist, writer and organizer of artistic life. He has created hundreds of paintings and monumental works and since 2000 has been active in digital graphics as well as painting.
Põldroos also participated in politics, from 1988 to 1991 he was a member of the Supreme Council and was one of those who voted for the restoration of Estonian independence on Aug. 20, 1991. Põldroos was also one of the founding members of the Popular Front, which pushed for an independent Estonia.
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Editor: Helen Wright