Paper: Estonians divided by prospect of Chinese investment

Estonians are divided about the prospect of using Chinese money for infrastructure investments a survey published by newspaper Postimees on Tuesday shows.
The paper carried out a survey (link in Estonian) with pollsters Kantar Emor and asked how people viewed the prospect of investment in relation to the construction of the Tallinn-Helsinki Tunnel and 5G technology.
Overall, only 6 percent of respondents said they had very positive feelings about taking Chinese money, while 35 percent replied they viewed the idea positively.
In comparison, 26% said they viewed the idea negatively, 10 percent opted for very negative, respondents who said they did not know made up 24 percent of those asked.
When looking at attitudes along with which political party a respondent voted for the survey showed EKRE supporters had the most negative feelings about Chinese investment and Centre Party supporters the most positive.
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Editor: Helen Wright