326 people diagnosed with coronavirus in Estonia

By Sunday morning, 326 people were confirmed to have the COVID-19 virus in Estonia, with a total of 3,229 tests administered. The past 24 hours saw results from 417 tests, up 109 from the day before.
Saturday brought another 20 confirmed cases – nine in Harju County, four each in Tartu and Võru and two in Saaremaa. One new patient lacks a personal identification number, the Health Board reports.
The situation remains unchanged in terms of the disease manifesting in different age groups, with people under 20 making up 6 percent of those infected and those belonging to the 60+ age group 17 percent.
Fourteen people are being treated in hospitals, with two in intensive care.
The need for testing is decided by a family doctor, who will direct the patient to giving samples. These doctors are in turn given guidance, but the final decision is always the decision of the family doctor, being familiar with the patient and taking into account their symptoms, general health, and any co-morbidities.
In addition, non-symptomatic health and care workers are being tested at random to prevent the spread of the virus to health and care facilities and to police, rescue services and other coronavirus prevention personnel who may be at risk due to their work.
Regular ambulance crews have been stripped down to two members to preserve resources and combat fatigue on the part of the crews, as well as to reduce potential exposure to those carrying the virus.
The state is also attempting to boost protective equipment supply and participating in a joint European Commission procurement of respiratory equipment, gloves, protective clothing and goggles.
According to the European Commission's schedule, however, this procurement could be delayed into May.
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Editor: Marcus Turovski