Industrial production increased 2 percent in 2016
According to preliminary Statistics Estonia data reported in a press release, the production of industrial enterprises rose by two percent in 2016 compared to the previous year, with production decreasing in mining but increasing in energy and manufacturing.
While the first half of 2016 saw both a drop and increase in production in manufacturing, production volumes year over year increased steadily beginning in September. In 2016, total production in manufacturing was two percent higher than in 2015. In more than two thirds of industry branches, production surpassed the previous year's volumes.
The growth in manufacturing production was positively influenced by the branches with larger shares: manufacture of wood products increased six pecent, manufacture of electrical equipment 14 percent, furniture four percent and textiles 13 percent. At the same time, the growth in manufacturing production was negatively influenced by the manufacture of electronic, metal and chemical products, where production decreased.
In 2016, export sales as well as sales on the domestic market rose approximately two percent compared to 2015. 69 percent of the product of manufacturing was sold on the external market.
In December 2016, working day-adjusted industrial production increased ten percent compared to December 2015, while the production of manufacturing rose eight percent. Compared to December 2015 figures, the production of electricity and heat in December 2016 increased by 22 and 17 percent, respectively.
Compared to November, the seasonally adjusted industrial production decreased by one percent in December 2016, while the production of manufacturing increased by one percent.
Editor: Editor: Aili Vahtla