Average electricity price for Thursday falls to €158.37 per MWh

The price of electricity in Estonia will fall on Thursday to €158.37 per Megawatt-hour as an average for the day, from €203.30 the previous day.
Prices will fluctuate significantly between different times of the day.
Electricity will be costliest between 8.00 a.m. and 9.00 a.m., when it will cost €425.59 per MWh, falling substantially from 9.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m., when it will cost €120.51 per MWh.
The cheapest price is to be had 2.00 p.m.-3.00 p.m., when the price will be €48.67 per MWh.
By comparison, the NordPool trading zone price for electricity in Latvia and Lithuania will be €194.59 in each case, while in Finland, the price is set to be less than a third of that for Estonia, at €50.32.
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Editor: Andrew Whyte