Tallinn florists well prepared for International Women's Day

March 8 is International Women's Day. With sales expected to be several times higher than on regular days, flower sellers in Tallinn are gearing up for the occasion.
For florists, International Women's Day is one of the busiest days of the year. Jelizaveta, who sells flowers on Tallinn's Viru tänav, said that flower sales can be up to ten times higher than usual, something which is also the case on Valentine's Day.
"I was at work on Valentine's Day and looking at how many [flowers]there were [compared with] a normal day, when there are about a thousand. On Valentine's Day we had something like ten thousand," said Jelizaveta.
Riina Ruus, marketing manager at gardening center Hortes, said, that despite the wide range of flowers now available, the tulip is still the biggest hit on Women's Day.
"Tulips account for around 65 percent of all sales. Daffodils are in second place, followed by roses, mixed bunches and then other flowers," said Ruus.
According to Jelizaveta, florists have to order in a lot more flowers than usual in order to ensure there are enough for everyone.
"Three times more. For example, we have 7,000 tulips in stock right now, with more coming later today," she said.
Ruus added, that preparations for Women's Day are made based on experience from previous years.
"This year we are expecting sales to be about the same as last year. So, we have information from several years in front of us and from that we know how much to buy," she said.
Although, like most things these days, flowers have also gone up for vendors, they are doing what they can to keep their prices affordable for customers.
"If the supplier puts the price up, then so do we. But we keep on hoping. We don't want to have to sell them at really high prices," said Jelizaveta.
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Editor: Michael Cole