EKRE and Center losing, Eesti 200 and SDE gaining supporters

Aggregate results of the regular poll by the Institute for Societal Studies and Norstat suggest that the Conservative People's Party (EKRE) and the Center Party are losing ground, while Eesti 200 and the Social Democratic Party (SDE) are coming up.
Norstat gauges people's political preferences weekly. Based on its recent results, the Reform Party is on 29.3 percent, EKRE on 17.9 percent and Center on 15.7 percent just weeks after the March 5 Riigikogu election.
Elections winner the Reform Party remains in first place, with its rating unchanged from the previous period. EKRE have lost one percentage point as have the Center Party.
Coming in fourth is Eesti 200 (14.4 percent), followed by SDE (9.5 percent) and Isamaa (8.1 percent). The first two have found 1.3 and 1.4 percentage points respectively since February.
As the last four weeks' aggregate result was similar to the result from just the previous week, experts conclude that ratings have begun to stabilize and only the aggregate result will be used moving forward.
The recent aggregate results are from February 20 to March 20 during which period 4,000 voting-age citizens were polled.
The four weeks' aggregate result in the second half of March is: Reform Party 29.3 percent, EKRE 17.1 percent, Eesti 200 15.5 percent, Center Party 14.2 percent, SDE 11.9 percent and Isamaa 7.5 percent.
Green - Center Party; Black - EKRE; Yellow - Reform Party; Dark blue - Isamaa; Red - SDE; Light green - Estonian Greens; Light blue - Eesti 200; Orange - Parempoolsed.
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Editor: Marcus Turovski