Gallery: Pirita-based yacht club redevelopment begins in May

Kalev Yacht Club (Kalevi jahtklubi) in the Pirita district of Tallinn is to start the year-long job of building a new clubhouse.
The club's skipper, Ain Roosma, told ERR plans for the new building had been ongoing for a long period of time already, while and construction itself should finally begin this spring, probably in May, pending some preliminary work.
The clubhouse should be ready ahead of the 2024 season, he added, and will cost €3 million, financed in part by a loan and in part from club membership fees.
The club's premises will be redesigned in other areas too.
The club announced the competitive process for the project at the start of 2020, with architect Ülar Mark's design "Kompleks" (see gallery) winning from a shortlist of five firms – all of whom have Kalev club members and sailors on payroll.
Additionally, the City of Tallinn plans to redevelop the opposite bank of the Pirita River, on whose mouth the club is situated, removing the current parking lot and erecting various leisure facilities there.
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Editor: Andrew Whyte, Marko Tooming