Expert: Alliance with US requires a new approach

Kristi Raik, director of the International Center for Defense and Security (ICDS), said Estonia and other countries in the region, which are heavily dependent on the United States for security, must find a new approach to foreign policy to maintain their alliance.
Raik noted Estonia must also be prepared for a scenario in which the United States may no longer be interested in supporting Estonia and the Baltic states.
"But I must add right away that, at this moment, Estonia and the countries in our region have no other choice but to work as pragmatically as possible to maintain their alliance with the United States," she said.
Since the security of the region is heavily dependent on the U.S., countries here must adopt a different approach, the director told "Vikerraadio" on Wednesday.
"Any talk of values or rules simply does not resonate. There is no choice but to adopt a more transactional approach, one that suits Trump, for example. We must be able to offer something to the U.S. that interests them and provides a foundation for maintaining the alliance," she explained.
At the same time, she emphasized that Europe must continuously work on strengthening itself: "We must be stronger ourselves and be prepared for the possibility that one day, U.S. support might no longer be there"
Raik awarded state decoration
Ahead of the Republic's Independence Day, Raik will receive the Order of the White Star, 4th Class, from President Alar Karis for her work in shaping foreign and security policy.
Raik, who has worked in Estonia for the past seven years after spending a long period abroad said she is pleased with the recognition.
"I have always focused on Estonia's foreign and security policy and Estonia's place in the world. This is a subject close to my heart, and I will certainly continue working on it. This recognition only reinforces the sense that this work is truly necessary, especially now, in such complicated times globally," she said.
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Editor: Helen Wright